
In future it is expected that there will be higher proportion of older people in some countries. Is this positive or negative development?

Mar 11, 2021 / Academic / 5:49 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
In future it is expected that there will be higher proportion of older people in some countries. Is this positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It is predicted that the number of elderly population in some countries would swell in future. I do not feel that this would fetch any positive results.

The primary reason why I cannot agree that it is a good development for those countries is that it would increase their economic liability. To be clearer, the geriatric populace is generally not financially independent. In such cases, either the government or the family members have to meet their physical, psychological and social needs. For example, numerous old age homes are seen mushrooming in many parts of the world, which are funded either by the family members of the inmates or by the state. It is therefore very clear that a considerable share of money has to be kept aside for this purpose, which would have better spent on other fields.

The second reason behind my view is that an increased elderly population would take up many available opportunities which the younger population needs. It is seen that in countries where there is a significant number of older population, the youth unemployment is more. This is because most employers prefer experienced workforce to those who have limited exposure to challenging situations. For instance, most of the higher positions in organizations are seen held by people in their 50s and 60s. If the older population swells further, the condition would become worse.

To conclude, it is almost clear that when some countries expect a greater density of old age people, it would not favor them.

Word count: 251