
Many adults nowadays prefer spending their free time playing computer games. Why do they do this? Is this a positive or negative development?

Sep 09, 2021 / General / 4:04 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Many adults nowadays prefer spending their free time playing computer games. Why do they do this? Is this a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words. 


It is common to see that today, a sizeable proportion of adults play computer games during their free time. There are two main reasons behind this trend, and it appears to have both positive and negative impacts on the adult population.

The primary reason behind this changing habit is because of the advancement in technology. To be precise, these virtual games can be installed in portable devices such as smartphones, ensuring their access, irrespective of time and place. The second reason behind this habit is that other forms of activities or entertainment would not be suitable for modern man. For example, for software engineer would not be finding enough time to spend in a cinema, and he finds computer games as a better option.

The most visible positive impact of this habit is that it relieves the stress of a person and rejuvenates him. To be precise, most adults today are working, and their work schedules are hectic and much demanding. Naturally, this increases the stress levels among them, and they find these games as means of diverting their minds. In a short span of free time they usually get, they find it as the best way to ventilate their stress.

However, when they are engaging most of their free time playing these games, it would have some negative effects on them. To exemplify, a person could enhance his interpersonal skills during his free time by having a healthy conversation with his colleagues rather than secluding to himself and marking himself as an ‘introvert’. Another serious risk with this habit is that it can become an addiction at any point of time, which can be hardly reversible.

To conclude, it is clear that technology and convenience are the two main reasons behind this trend, and it has both merits and demerits.

Word count: 300