
Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on the Earth. Which of these opinions do you agree with?

Jan 25, 2021 / Academic / 4:23 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible exploring outer space (for example, traveling to the Moon and to other planets). Other people disagree and think governments should spend this money for our basic needs on the Earth. Which of these opinions do you agree with?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It has been a discussion for quite a long time whether or not man should spend exorbitant sums on exploring the outer space. While some believe it is crucial to human welfare, others strongly oppose it by pointing at unresolved fundamental crises on the earth. Both these contrasting views are topical in nature, and hence, they have to be discussed critically before reaching a logical conclusion.

On the one hand, those who have the former view focus on the pressing needs of modern man which are ever increasing. These include solving the problem of shrinking living space on the earth, finding a solution for the depleting resources and exploring a better place to live in. A rationally thinking man would find his existence in extreme danger if these problems are not solved in one or two centuries. The only feasible solution ahead of humans is to go and explore the extra-terrestrial spaces including the Moon and the Mars. Therefore, despite the huge investment, they believe it is essential to explore the outer space.

On the other hand, others criticize this move strongly as they believe that it is like spending money on uncertain things. They highlight basic challenges which have not yet been mitigated including meeting the basic needs such as eradicating poverty and finding employment for all. In this state, it is irrational to spend billions and trillions on vague explorations, which are based just on assumptions and inaccurate calculations. Instead, they would have utilized these financial resources to solve the crises on the earth, which can make it a far better place to live in.

After analyzing both views in detail, it is good to spend huge sums of money on space exploration as it has become a need of our immediate future generations. However, I believe heading for it without satisfying the basic needs is unjustifiable.