
Some people think that only the government can make significant changes in society, while others think that individuals can have a lot of influence. What is your opinion?

Jan 18, 2021 / General / 3:48 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Some people think that only the government can make significant changes in society, while others think that individuals can have a lot of influence. What is your opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Significant social reforms are often attributed to the government’s sole responsibility by some, whilst others think the role of individuals in making it happen is paramount. The contributions of both are vital, and so a detailed discussion is needed before framing a logical conclusion.

On the one hand, the former group believes only the governments have potentials to do notable changes in the society as they have the power to frame stringent rules and implement those in the best possible way. To be precise, framing a law to ban smoking in public and punishing those who violate the law can be done only by the respective authorities. Similarly, the construction of a nuclear power plant, in order to meet the soaring energy demands of its citizens cannot be made possible without the interest and investment of governments. Therefore, they think behind every significant change in a country, there exists its respective government.

Conversely, those who have the second opinion rely on the power of individuals as they believe each person in the society is a constructive segment in making a strong nation. To make it clearer, behind the development of every country there are progressive contributions of individuals. For example, individuals can contribute greatly to socially positive things ranging from a litter-free society to a clean, safe and secure society. They can assist the existing laws framed by their respective governments in order to make their society safe and grow their nations’ economy. These positive changes would be difficult when individuals do not assume an active role in the social transformation process.

After analysing the probable contributions of both governments and individuals, I think a collective effort can make the society progress to the next level of development.

Word count: 288