
The flow chart below shows a design of a virtual care pathway approach as a part of surgical training.

Mar 23, 2020 / Academic / 5:34 am


A virtual care pathway approach, which was designed as a part of surgical training is sequenced in the given flow chart.

At first, when the history was collected, it was reported a day long right iliac fossa pain and vomiting by a 24 year-old man. On examination, the client’s temperature was recorded as elevated at 38.5 degree Celsius. RIF tenderness and guarding were also reported on examination. As the next step, blood investigations were done in which white cell count was recorded at 16,800/mm3 and C-reactive protein at 75mg/L.

Based on the aforementioned procedures namely history collection, physical examination and blood tests, the diagnosis was made as likely acute appendicitis. In the last stage of the pathway, a Computed Tomography was advised to the client so as to confirm the diagnosis, and then to perform the procedure of appendectomy.

Overall, it is clear that the virtual care pathway is systematic in nature.

Word count: 150