
We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, hospitals, crime detection, and even to fly planes. What things will they be used in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing, or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?

Jul 13, 2021 / General / 4:57 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business, hospitals, crime detection, and even to fly planes. What things will they be used in the future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing, or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words. 


It should be seen as a fact that computers have become an inevitable part of humans, almost in every walk of his life. The future of computer usage is definitely based on Artificial Intelligence, and one should expect both merits and demerits when such developments occur.

To begin, computers have made its deep impression in health, education, trade, security, aviation and even in space exploration these days. At this juncture, it can be assumed that in future, it can be used in solving more complex tasks, and it is almost certain that the AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be the critical player in that. Reading a person’s mind, upgrading a person’s intelligence and memory et cetera would be some of the expected features of computer in just a decade.

Turning to the expected positive outcomes, the first is the faster pace of human life. With the emergence of AI, a considerable proportion of time can be saved, and this enables humans to become more productive in their respective fields of work or study. Recalling a very remote memory and travel to extra-terrestrial locations would become very common in future. On a whole, in future, the human life would be extremely advanced and different from what is seen today.

Criticism arises as humans are projected to become intellectual slaves to computers. To be precise, what one can generally expect is that the computers would be deciding what a person has to do, and what he should not do. In short, he is going to be losing his own individuality in future, and therefore each person would lose his unique identity.

To conclude, it is clear that the use of computer technology is going to be mainly focused on AI. Even though this facilitates a great number of human populations in many sectors, it does have potential dangers.