
‘We should introduce laws to make businesses and state services employ equal number of male and female workers in every department or area of the company’. Do you agree or disagree?

Oct 05, 2020 / General / 1:38 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
‘We should introduce laws to make businesses and state services employ equal number of male and female workers in every department or area of the company’. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Gender equality at work is commonly seen as a widely debated topic, and so authorities look at it with utmost importance. I can hardly think of setting a numerical target for both the genders at work in near future.

The prime reason for my disapproval is because of the varying interests of both the genders towards the job. If a 50:50 ratio is maintained in every sector, there would be a huge number of unfilled posts, as the attitude towards each job fluctuates widely between both the genders. For example, few males tend to assume the post of a kindergarten teacher and only a few females look positively towards mechanical works.

Another issue with the equality of gender at work is that it makes the existing workforce fragile. If statistically balanced, a higher proportion of the employees can face job cuts in order to create jobs for the opposite gender. This can affect many hard-working people adversely. For example, there are many dedicated female nursing professionals, who are seen delivering commendable services to their clients. If equality is made in the career based on the gender, the profession may lose its dignity and goodwill.

I should however appreciate the opposite view that the most effective way to achieve the equality at work is legislation. Nonetheless, I feel a spontaneous implementation of the law to achieve the goal can be found catastrophic to many.

To conclude, I think gender equality at work in all aspects can remain in the debate table for the near future as there exist a number of hinder factors.

Word count: 261