
You are organizing a trip to Tenby, United Kingdom, for a group of students from Brighton, United Kingdom. Write to the Tour Manager, Mr. Abraham, of an organization that organizes trips to Tenby.

Aug 03, 2021 / General / 6:09 am

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are organizing a trip to Tenby, United Kingdom, for a group of students from Brighton, United Kingdom. Write to the Tour Manager, Mr. Abraham, of an organization that organizes trips to Tenby.

In your letter, you should say:

  • when you want to visit and how long you will stay
  • how many students are in your group
  • and what accommodation you will require

Write at least 150 words.


Dear Mr. Abraham,

I am writing this letter to seek further information on the tour facilities your organization offers.

As per the preliminary discussion made between us, our school is planning a three-day trip to Tenby from Brighton, and I am the one who is organizing the trip. The trip is planned to be held between 20th and 25th of this month, and it includes three days sight-seeing and two nights’ stay.

The number of students who are expected to come is 25, and five of their parents would accompany them. Apart from that, we are planning to accommodate three senior teachers in the group to supervise the students. In total, the group would include 34 members.

As no boys are included in the trip, we have decided to accommodate the students in a dormitory with adequate facilities. Five students, who have one of their parents with them, would require single rooms. The same facility is expected for other staff, including me.

I look forward to receive a detailed information on travel schedule and accommodation, so that we could make an ultimate decision on the trip.

Yours sincerely,


Word count: 185