
Today’s teenagers have more stressful lives than previous generations. Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

Jun 20, 2021 / Academic / 5:16 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Today’s teenagers have more stressful lives than previous generations.

Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


It is argued that adolescents face more stress these days, compared to the past. I feel the level of stress depends upon the way people absorb the problems, and hence I think this argument has its own gravity.

The primary reason why I tend to agree to the viewpoint is because of the emotional instability of today’s teenagers when compared to their predecessors. In the past, adolescents had a more stabilised attitude towards addressing a specific issue. To be precise, they were good at accepting the situations which came across in their life, whether favourable or not.  However, today’s adolescents are not seen handling the situations effectively, and this is because of two major reasons. The first is that they are exposed to multiple issues at the same time. The second is because of the excess support they get from their parents and other close acquaintances.

Looking in detail, it is clear that the activities of the modern adolescents are numerous and diverse when compared to their previous generation. Today’s adolescents face multiple problems, which stem from family, school or college and from the society which they are accommodated. The involvement of technology in their life has made the situation worse, as evidenced by psychological problems resulting from cyber bullying.

Another key concern is the emotional immaturity, which is very common among today’s teenagers. For example, nowdays, children are brought up like ‘broiler chicken’. They are provided with all necessities, and are hardly exposed to the real life situations. When they are not exposed to any sort of bitterness in life, they would hardly tolerate even a minor set-back in life. Therefore, the level of stress would be naturally high among them.

After evaluating both the past and present living circumstances of an average adolescent, I have no option, but to align with the opinion.