
The table below shows the number of passenger deaths by various modes of transport in Great Britain from 1981 to 1985

Feb 17, 2022 / Academic / 5:52 pm

The table gives an account of number of deaths occurred, classified on the basis of method of commuting, in Great Britain between 1981 and 1985.

Overall, it is clear that the major causes of deaths were motorcycles and cars, while a considerable proportion of pedestrians died due accidents over this five year period.

As per the table, the number of deaths caused by motorcycles was 115,000, which was 105,000 more than that of the deaths caused by cars in 1981. The number of pedestrians who lost their lives in this year was 21,000. All these figures rose by varying proportions over the period, and in 1985, the death toll due to the first cause was recorded at 250,000, which was more than double than that in 1981. The death figures reported due to the second mode of transportation too climbed uniformly to 50,000 over these years. However, the highest growth in the number of deceased in the table is shown in case of pedestrians, when the number shot up to hit a record high of 100,000 in 1985.

On the other hand, the statistics of deaths due to buses and vans is seen declining between 500 and 20. In 1983, 18 people died of train accidents, and in 1985, 171 died in air mishaps.