
More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending time in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building houses. Why is this? Who benefits more from this, the communities or these young people?

Jun 15, 2022 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 2:08 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending time in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building houses. Why is this? Who benefits more from this, the communities or these young people?

Give reasons for your answer and provide relevant examples if any,  from your own knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.


It is common to see that an increasing number of people from developed nations rendering voluntary services like teaching and building houses in poor communities. It appears that these people are getting some invaluable experiences from this more than charity work, and I think this can benefit the community more than those who do it.

 When analysing the major reasons why the trend is becoming more popular, the most tangible one is the experience which they are expected to get while working among the underprivileged. To be precise, these communities are socially, economically and educationally backward, and when services such as teaching are provided to these backward communities, they are very dissimilar to what are being delivered in the wealthy countries. For example, many of the students may not have basic educational requirements like study books. Similarly, when houses are built in these areas, modern technology can be rarely used because of the lack of development. By surviving these challenges, these volunteers get some most memorable experience, which they can cherish all through their life.

 Turning to the benefits received, it can be undoubtedly said that it is more beneficial for the community which receives the service. This is because of gross visible changes which can be anticipated in the society. For instance, the availability of qualified teachers would  make the children in these areas to dream more in their life. Likewise, the construction of good houses will definitely improve their security and standards of living. On a whole, these services make them more civilized and eventually uplift the status of their respective communities.

 To conclude, it is clear that the main reason why more people from wealthy nations render voluntary services to communities in poor nations is to gain experience, and definitely the receiving community has more benefits by this than those who deliver it.