
It is believed that individuals have a greater responsibility than the government in waste management. To what extent do you agree? Why?

Nov 05, 2019 / General / 11:32 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
It is believed that individuals have a greater responsibility than the government in waste management. To what extent do you agree? Why?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Waste Management is one of the serious issues faced by any country. There exists a belief that individuals have a considerable role in this process, compared to the governments. However, I cannot completely align to the statement.

To begin with, it is the responsibility of governments to make provisions to treat non-biodegradable wastes, which can be hardly done by individuals. They have to establish such treatment or recycling plants in each community in accordance with their population. They must also ensure the cleanliness of public places such as parks and streets, where a multitude of people gather. Finally, legislation regarding proper waste management can be done only by the government. For example, penalty, especially monetary in nature, as per the severity of the maladaptive waste management is often implemented and amended periodically by the responsible authorities. These measures can play a critical role in the waste management of a country.

However, it is always better to treat the waste at its origin. This means it is the responsibility of each and every individual to manage the waste produced by them. One should understand that this is possible only in the case of biodegradable wastes. There is also a limitation for those who live in skyscrapers. Safe and systematic waste management is nearly impossible for them. However, they can either reduce the amount of waste or can reuse it.

To conclude, though individuals have a significant role in the process of waste management, I think the responsible governments have a much greater role in this.

Word count:254