
‘Adverts that have the potential to upset people have no place in a civilized society’. To what extent do you agree or disagree to this view?

Aug 16, 2021 / Academic / 5:22 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

‘Adverts that have the potential to upset people have no place in a civilized society’. To what extent do you agree or disagree to this view?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It is opined that advertisements which are annoying to the public should be banned from any civilized society. I agree to the statement to a greater extent.

 The key reason behind my agreement is because it causes emotional disturbances among the people, especially to those who are vulnerable. To be precise, when people who are emotionally immature, for example children are exposed to such pictures or videos, the consequence would be far worse than what we expect. They would feel panic and often misunderstand the situation in a different way. This would have a long-term effect in their future social interactions as well.

Another reason which I can put forward to support the argument is because of the social impact these adverts have in the society. As it is a known fact that adverts have a great impact in the lives of a modern man, these types of exhibits can have an influence in their attitudes and behavior. For instance, an advertisement with visualization of a rape or a murder might nurture such instincts among the public, and the society would eventually become unsafe to live.

I need to admit that there should be some disturbing adverts to abstain people from a buying a product. For instance, some governments have made it mandatory to publicize the images of oral and pharyngeal cancer on tobacco products. However, I believe it has made only a minor impact among its regular users.

To conclude, though the negative advertisements are often used in some exceptional situations, I do not recommend it, as it has some adverse social and psychological impacts in the society.

Word count: 269