
All over the world, the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. What problems does this cause? How can we overcome the problems of poverty?

Jan 19, 2021 / General / 6:04 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
All over the world, the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. What problems does this cause? How can we overcome the problems of poverty?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It is seen that gap between the rich and the poor across the world is widening than ever before. The consequences of this trend are mainly reflected in social and economic sectors. Poverty, one such consequence can be solved very effectively, if proper measures are adopted.

Turning to problems which affect the society, the worst is the division in the social segments. This is well-explained when there are more subcategories created in the society, based on the difference in the economic power. To be clearer, a type of polarization occurs when the distance between the richest and the poorest becomes stronger, and this sows the seeds of social disharmony. The end result is frequent social conflicts, which include burglary, riots and even homicides.

Turning to the economic problems, the cardinal issue is the financial disparity between these two sectors, which can result in the divergence of purchasing power. To be precise, when the richest enjoy this power to its maximum, the opposite group might suffer adversely. For instance, in the same country where food and beverages are dumped in bulk, many hardly find a single meal per day. The ultimate result is almost the same as mentioned earlier, however it would be more severe.

Poverty, the worst consequence of this trend can be addressed by ensuring food security, and this can be done by storing adequate food grains at diverse locations, and opening new local outlets at the places of demand. Subsidies to farmers, exempting them from taxes and ensuring fair price for their products are some other productive measures to tackle the issue.

To conclude, when the rich and the poor move to their extremes, only a few can expect positive outcomes, whether it is in the social or economic sector, and poverty, one of its dire consequences, can be solved effectively by a pro-active government.