
An annual event was recently held in your area. Now you want to write to the organizers of this event congratulating them on a successful production.

Aug 14, 2021 / General / 6:06 am

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

An annual event was recently held in your area. Now you want to write to the organizers of this event congratulating them on a successful production.

Write a letter to the organizers. In your letter,

  • give details of the event
  • mention what you liked the most about the event
  • make a polite criticism of something you thought could be improved

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a local resident of Denver. I am writing to congratulate you for arranging a successful community meet-up programme this year.

 Denver celebrates 10th March as a very special day and the day witnesses the largest gathering of local residents.  The purpose is to elect some key members of the community. Administering the successful voting, serving lunch to everyone, letting members talk about their complaints and express compliments are the usual customs during the event.

You made the event exceptional with the introduction of a software-based voting system that was instantaneous and genuine. Unlike the previous years, we did not have to wait for hours to learn the result. This was a great addition to the programme.

It would have been better if you could have added some amusement facilities for children and volunteers to look after them so that parents can participate in the programme without having much tension..

Once again, I express my sincere gratitude towards you.

Yours faithfully,
