
As public safety is of the highest importance, it is often necessary to test new products on animals. It is better for a few animals to suffer than for human life to be placed at risk by untested products. To what extent do you agree with above?

Mar 08, 2024 / General / 8:09 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

As public safety is of the highest importance, it is often necessary to test new products on animals. It is better for a few animals to suffer than for human life to be placed at risk by untested products. To what extent do you agree with above? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

It is argued that experiments on certain animals are highly recommended considering the safety of human beings. I think there is no harm in conducting tests in certain animals for the benefit of a larger population.

The first reason why I agree to the opinion is because of potential risks when humans are selected as test subjects. To be precise, when products such as drugs are primarily tested on man, adverse consequences are more likely such as physical and mental deterioration or illhealth. In rare cases, it can be fatal too. In order to avoid such circumstances, the best alternative available is to test such products on animals.

When majority of the world population justifies killing animals for human consumption, it becomes quite rational to experiment on them, and this is the second reason why I agree to this. In addition to this, not all animals are suitable for experimenting. Only a few species like rodents and guinea pigs are taken as subjects for study, and that too under controlled circumstances.

The third reason why I support the view is that the same animals can be used as testing subjects in multiple occasions. This means those species of animals do not face any seriuos threats such as extinction, whilst it can benefit the global population.

To conclude, as far as there are some risks involved in experimenting products in humans and considering the negligible number of animals selected for testing, it is justifiable to test on animals, and this can be beneficial to a greater number of people.