
As the problem of traffic congestion is becoming severe, many consider car-pooling the best option. In your opinion, how effective it would be? Why?

Apr 26, 2021 / General / 4:32 pm

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
As the problem of traffic congestion is becoming severe, many consider car-pooling the best option. In your opinion, how effective it would be? Why?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


A number of solutions are drawn out to mitigate the problem of the rising concern of traffic congestion. It is argued that car-pooling is in particular the best way to make it happen. However, to my mind, it is just among one of the positive options.

Of the more feasible solutions which can ease the traffic congestion, making public transport system more popular comes first. To be precise, if transport authorities schedule more number of buses or metro- rails to much demanded destinations, especially during the peak hours, at a reasonable cost, bottleneck congestions can be avoided in many cities. They should also focus on the comfort and convenience of the passengers by adding facilities inside the vehicles like air conditioning or specially designed seats.

The second solution which I feel is more effective than car-pooling is regulating the time schedules of institutions and organizations. For example, if schools function at different times, or industries make their shifts changed, the crowd can be reduced in towns and cities, and thereby it has to be considered as a passive move to reduce the issue of traffic. Finally, authorities can improve the transportation facilities by concentrating on the construction of alternate roads, elevated roads and railways et cetera.

However, in case of metro cities, when a considerable proportion of commuters travel to a particular destination at the same time, car-pooling seems to be a good option.

To conclude, though there are situations in which car-pooling is highly recommended, I do not feel that it is the best way to tackle the problem of congestion.

Word count:264