
Better driver education for better driving habits is more effective than heavier punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Jul 01, 2021 / Academic / 4:00 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Better driver education for better driving habits is more effective than heavier punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

 Write at least 250 words.


There exists a general opinion that if more focus is given on driver education than heavier punishments, the number of driving offences can be brought down. I tend to disagree to the statement to a great extent.

The primary reason behind my opinion is because of the fact that punishments can always deter a person from committing a crime. When punitive measures become severe, it can make more people abstaining from wrongdoings. For example, if a violator of traffic law is detained and sentenced to 10 years jail, instead of just awarding him a monetary fine for a hit and run case, many such incidents can be prevented. Suspending or cancelling licenses is a similar measure of punishment which can bring out desirable results.

The next reason why I go with the second option is because of the reality that the absence of heavier punishments can encourage people in violating the traffic rules. For instance, a bike rider is more likely to over-speed at the signal when he has just seconds left for seeing the red light. If stringent punishments were there, many such incidents would have been avoided.

I admit that a better driver education can cut down the rate of driving offences. This is because of the fact that many license holders are neither well-aware of the updated traffic rules nor expert drivers. However, I do not feel this can have a better impact on the rate of bringing down the related cases when compared to heavy punishments.

To conclude, though it is clear that better education to drivers can neutralize the offences related to driving, I feel heavy punishments act as a stronger tool to make it happen.

Word count: 282