
Better driver education for better driving habits is more effective than heavier punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Dec 22, 2020 / Academic / 3:36 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Better driver education for better driving habits is more effective than heavier punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Driving offences are on the rise these days. Some think that better driver education can prove more practical to bring down this rate than stringent punishments because it ensures better driving habits. I think this would be less effective than hefty punishments.

The first reason for my disapproval is that people are generally less concerned of the good driving rules and practices if there are no strict punishments. To be precise, people are normally given clear cut instructions regarding safe driving habits and they are trained well to drive on roads before driving licenses are issued. Soon or later, these people are seen violating rules, ranging from crossing the signals inappropriately to drink and drive. This happens when the punishments for these offences are lax.

Another reason which supports my viewpoint is that stringent traffic rules have already proven that violations can be easily brought down. To be clearer, when some countries have made these rules tighter, for example making the offenders clean the autopsy table and public toilets instead of monetary punishments, the results were far more positive than expected. In some countries, licenses are cancelled for those who commit serious traffic offenses, and this definitely refrain many people from viewing the traffic rules less serious.

I admit that better driver education can cut down the rate of traffic offences. However, I think, this happens only when the drivers are updated with the current traffic rules and regulations periodically.

To conclude, educating the driving license aspirants in a better way appears to bring down the traffic offences, I believe stringent punishments can bring out more desirable results.

Word count: 268