
Children can learn many things about the world by watching films. What things can they learn? Do all the things they learn are good?

Dec 23, 2022 / Academic / 4:53 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Children can learn many things about the world by watching films. What things can they learn? Do all the things they learn are good?
Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Write at least 250 words.

It is generally said that movies teach children various concepts and skills. Though I think this is true to a great extent, I hardly think all what they learn from those are beneficial.

The first thing that a child can absorb from movies is the diverse life-styles of people across the world. Movies generally highlight the living pattern of people where they are shot, and this ranges from what they eat to how they behave in various social situations. Children are also interested to know the scientific and technological progresses, which are commonly portrayed in the movies. For example, the basics of modern technologies like advanced forensic sciences and bio-technology are included in many movies, and this gives the children opportunities to learn related concepts. Finally, movies enhance the linguistic abilities of children. Various aspects like accent, vocabulary and specific usage of languages are acquired by children, when they watch movies. Children can also get aware of the cultural and geographical features of parts of the world, like the Sahara or Antarctica from movies.

There might be contrasting opinions when the question is asked whether all things children learn from movies are good. I feel as a child procures some necessary information about the world from movies, he is likely to acquire some unhealthy behaviors like smoking and drinking from the characters portrayed in the movies.

To conclude, I think though movies give ample opportunities for children to learn many things about the world, I feel that not all what they watch in movies are good.