
Computer games and films containing violence are popular today. Some people think that these are harmful for our society and the government should ban them. Others argue that such games and films are fine for entertainment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

May 22, 2021 / General / 5:23 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Computer games and films containing violence are popular today. Some people think that these are harmful for our society and the government should ban them. Others argue that such games and films are fine for entertainment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Contradictory views exist regarding playing computer games and watching online films. At the one side people press for its ban as they think it is harmful to the society, at the other end people think these should be just seen as entertainment activities.  Both arguments have their own significance, and hence a thorough discussion is needed before framing a logical conclusion.

As per the first group, computer games and movies are generally aggressive in nature, and these attract a huge number of young people to spend a considerable time on these activities. The first reason why they think it should be banned is because it wastes the invaluable time this productive population gets. For example, many school students are less-concentrated at studies and often fail to complete their assignments on time just because they are engaged in these activities. The second issue they point out is the aggressiveness and increasing violence among them. Many scientific studies have proven that such population is most likely to get agitated and rebellious.

However, the second group insists that these activities have to be seen just as an entertainment. They argue that it occupies the thought gaps that are often created in the minds of the people, when they are not engaged in anything. In other words, they feel that this gap-filling process relaxes them and prevent them from doing any undesirable activity. Unlike other forms of entertainments like music and drama, this gives the user a distinct entertaining experience and an increased level of satisfaction. The biggest highlight is that it suits people irrespective of age and gender.

After analysing both views in detail, though there are instances when obsession of these activities can create some personal and social issues, in most cases, people absorb it as one of the best forms of entertainments.