
Development in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nov 14, 2020 / Academic / 4:03 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Development in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It is a solid fact that many environmental problems which we see today are a result of advancements in technology. While some perceive simpler lives as a solution for this, others think that technology itself can find solutions for this. Both views are topical, and hence a critical discussion is needed before reaching a logical conclusion.

On the one hand, the former group suggests that people should sacrifice their comforts and convenience and get adjusted to habits such as walking or cycling rather than driving cars. This reduces the resource usage and preserves it for the future and can control a great deal of pollution. On top of that, these are healthy habits, which keep the relationship of humans to the nature intact. On the other hand, the manufacturers should produce only as per the rising demands, and at no point, surplus production is to be encouraged. This would reduce the newer trends like consumerism and materialism, and can control the environmental damage.

On the other hand, the latter group states that the best solution for this issue is technological innovations such as simpler and advanced ways to recycle materials like paper or glass, which reduces the environmental issues. Secondly, they assume that technology can help people to generate power, which is the most vital element in this world, which enhances any development. Today, a considerable proportion of environmental damage is caused during the process of power generation. This can be cut down when technology advances itself to the next stage.

After analyzing both these views in detail, I believe in the power of technology, which has already solved a range of environmental concerns. At the same time, I would suggest a simpler life as this can make the situation much better.

Word count: 292