
Establishing good relationships in the workplace is not important, as the primary goal of every person is to focus on work. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Feb 16, 2021 / Academic / 1:24 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Establishing good relationships in the workplace is not important, as the primary goal of every person is to focus on work. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It is often argued that establishing good relationship at workplace is insignificant because the focus of every employee should be at his work. It seems to me that the statement is true to a great extent.

The primary reason why I tend to support this view is because of the fact that today’s job sector is too competitive. To be precise, most employers prefer candidates who can make use of each and every second of their work productive. Unlike the past, most employment sectors today are run by private entities, and their primary focus is on more profit. To accomplish this goal, they have a selective section of workforce who is dedicated to work, and those who seem to be weak in reaching this goal would find their places in the organization at risk. Therefore, employees hardly find time to maintain a good rapport in between, as they see this only secondary to work.

Another reason why I support the argument is because most employers feel insecure when employees of their organization maintain a warmer relationship. To be clearer, when a good rapport is established among the workers, they are more likely to unite, and entrepreneurs see this as a good opportunity for labour problems. On the other hand, when the interactions are the minimum, they feel that they are on the safer side. For many employees, this is a good opportunity to get promoted to the next positions.

I have to admit that there are many situations in which co-operation at work are vital. There are instances when the best team work proves to the most effective, such as in cases including space research.

To conclude, though there are instances when establishing warm relationships between employees are crucial, in many modern job sectors, focusing on work is seen more beneficial.