

Jan 17, 2019 / General / 5:32 pm


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You recently stayed in a hotel. On your return, you found that a bag of your’s is forgotten at the hotel. Write a letter to the hotelier.

In your letter, you should say:

When and how it happened?

What you would like him to do for you?

You should start your letter with Dear….,

Write at least 150 words.


Dear sir,

I am a business man and I often stay at your hotel whenever I visit the city. I am writing this letter to you to provide me information on a bag, which I found missing on my return.

I had a marketing seminar at The Holiday Inn, the luxury hotel at the city center on 16th of this month. I arrived the city  a day prior and made my accommodation arranged in room number 507 B , which is in the fifth floor of your hotel. After a comfortable night stay, the next day morning, I went for the seminar presentation. However, I got late for my return journey as the presentation exceeded the time limit. In no time, I made myself ready for the journey and I could not manage to take one of my bags back from the place of my stay. Inside the bag, there are some digital documents and I would like to know the arrangements you made for the lost property service. I would suggest you to keep the bag safe until my next visit.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Word count:188.