
A school in your area invites local people to help the development of school building and playground area. Write a letter to the head teacher that you are interested.

Jan 21, 2020 / General / 12:02 am

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
A school in your area invites local people to help the development of school building and playground area. Write a letter to the head teacher that you are interested. In your letter you should say:
Why you are interested to help?
Explain how you can help?
When you could help?

Write at least 150 words


Dear Madam,

I am writing this letter to reveal my interest in assisting the development of your school building and play ground area.

I have been residing at Edmond Street, which is just a mile north to the school. Three of my cousins are your previous students and my sister’s daughter is a high school student at your school now. I believe that a school is the second home of a student and the development provides better infrastructural facilities to the local students, which can boost their potentials, both physically and intellectually.

I run a construction company in the town and I think I can meet the physical needs of your construction like materials and labor at a reasonable cost. I would also offer to develop the playground free of cost if you are interested. It would be appreciated if you could contact me a week prior to your plan to commence the construction so that I can make the necessary arrangements.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
