You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
Children who start reading earlier in their life perform better later in their school studies. How important is early reading skills in a child’s academic performance? What other pre-school factors influence a child’s later academic achievements? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Write at least 250 words.
There exists a strong argument that the procurement of reading skills at the pre-school level will help a child to perform better in his school studies. I think this is quite significant in the current competitive situation. I also have to acknowledge the presence of other pre-school factors which determine the academic performance of a school-going child.
The prime significance of gaining reading skill at an early age, before schooling is that it helps a child to comprehend his academic syllabi better than others. To be precise, such children show exceptional abilities in understanding the meaning of a context, irrespective of the type of subject. Another advantage of the type of skill acquisition is that it helps a child to broaden his cognitive potential. For example, such students at school show more creativity and productive thinking and perform well in areas which requires intellectual abilities. Therefore, one can attest that reading skill acquisition at this age (pre-school age) is quintessential.
Looking into other pre-school factors which influence the academic potential of a child, knowing the basic calculations comes first. A child who excels in this area can be good at arithmetics at schools, which is very vital. The next factor is experiencing skills of problem solving by playing games and puzzles. This too can help a school child to perform better in his academic curriculum.
To conclude, it is vital to acquire reading skills at an early age of a child. At the same time one should understand there are certain other attributing factors of academic success at schools which can be acquired during the pre-school age.
Word count:267