
If a product is good and meets customer needs, then people will buy it and advertising is unnecessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nov 26, 2021 / Academic / 3:32 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

If a product is good and meets customer needs, then people will buy it and advertising is unnecessary.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

 Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.  Write at least 250 words. 


It is generally thought that adverts become unnecessary when a product meets the customer’s expectations. In fact, there is a greater truth in this, but I feel advertisements are still essential in the modern market.

 When analysing the aforementioned statement critically, it is seen that there are products which rarely depend on adverts. The key reason why their manufacturers do not rely heavily on advertisements is that they have no genuine competitors. They have established their monopoly in the market through the trust they have built over years by the superior service they have rendered to their customers. For instance, when compared to Ford, the leading car manufacturer, who spends a considerable amount on advertising, Rolls Royce, a more successful and established branded company, spend far less on advertisements.  Similarly, there are many household products which people buy regularly without any second thought. Although the modern market is spoiled for choice by the very similar products, there are people who do not change their shopping habits, since they give significance to the quality rather than attractive adverts.

 However, advertising is one of the most powerful tools in the modern marketing, and hence its power can be hardly neglected. Even the most unique product in this world is advertised. This helps the manufacturers to move along with the ever-changing marketing trends and to make customers aware of their updations. Apart from this, it also helps them to hike the number of customers, by playing tougher in a competent atmosphere.

 To conclude, it is clear that a product can survive in the market with superior customer satisfaction. However, the complexity and competitiveness of modern market make adverts an essential factor in establishing a product in the minds of the customer.

Words: 288