
In many cities, many people are living in large apartment blocks. Does this accommodation have more advantages or disadvantages?

Nov 12, 2021 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 3:21 am

In many cities, many people are living in large apartment blocks. Does this accommodation have more advantages or disadvantages?


Large apartment blocks have become a crucial part of people and have become very common in many large cities today. Although, accommodation in these blocks is advantageous to the city-dwellers, it also possesses some challenges.

One of the major merits of living in an apartment in cities is that it gives people quicker access to the services of the city. To be precise, a city offers variety of services like health, education and recreational facilities. All these facilities are closely depended on the number of people who are expected to access those. It is therefore obvious that these facilities would be concentrated on the areas where more people live in, especially where multi-storey apartments are more.

Another merit which it offers is the financial benefit. To be precise, in large cities, the cost of living is much higher than in suburbs or villages. An independent house or a villa would be too expensive in a metro city when compared to an accommodation in an apartment. The apartment culture also saves living spaces in cities, which is a pro-environmental move.

However, accommodation in large apartments is not free from criticisms and vulnerabilities. People will be confined inside the walls most of the time, and the social interactions are seen minimum. There are increased risks like fire outbreak, and in such circumstances, eviction is not fairly easy.

To conclude, even though there are some demerits in leading a life in large apartments in metro cities, it is clear that to access the facilities of city, accommodation in large apartments is necessary.

Word count: 259