
In some countries the population is ageing and the birth rate is declining. How will this affect society and how can it be prevented?

Nov 05, 2020 / General / 2:19 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
In some countries the population is ageing and the birth rate is declining. How will this affect society and how can it be prevented?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It is noted that in some countries, the life expectancy is seen increasing, combined with a negative growth in the birth rate. Though the situation tends to affect the respective nations moderately, it might result in severe socio-economic problems, and so emergency measures have to be taken to prevent any such adverse consequences.

The worst issue that might occur as a result of this is the decline in a strong young population, which is the cardinal force behind a nation’s growth. To make it clear, when there is a retarded growth rate of young population, there would not be any major social activities. For example, participation in social and entertaining activities would dwindle and many of such activities might disappear from the society, and the society would push itself to a time frame which existed in the past.

The next major crisis is expected to happen in the economy of such nations. There would be less enthusiastic, energetic and innovative workforce; which stagnates the GDP growth, thereby arrests the financial growth of those nations. On the other hand, the ageing population adds financial liability to the government as it has to bear almost all the expenses of a geriatric person including his health, security and other basic needs. This is because most of such population are financially fragile.

Only a government which has a good vision and a strong determination can defend this situation. Such governments should maintain an ideal balance between the young and older population by formulating and implementing policies in the health, educational and employment sectors. Effective family welfare programs, compulsory formal education and ensuring job security for all are some examples of such measures.

To conclude, when the lowering of birth rate combines with ageing population, a nation has to expect some serious socio-economic consequences. However, a stable and ambitious government can tackle the issue very practically.