
In some school systems, children start learning at least one foreign language in primary school. In other school systems, foreign language education begins in secondary school.  In your opinion, should children learn foreign language in schools, and if so, at what age should they begin?

Jan 11, 2022 / Academic / 3:00 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In some school systems, children start learning at least one foreign language in primary school. In other school systems, foreign language education begins in secondary school.  In your opinion, should children learn foreign language in schools, and if so, at what age should they begin?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

It is a controversial topic when a child should start learning foreign languages. When in some schools, it starts as early in the elementary school, in others, there is a delay till the child reaches his secondary school. I do not think it is essential for a student to learn a foreign language at school.

On the one hand, when children learn a foreign language at their tender ages, most people think that they can learn it better. This is because of the general concept that the language acquisition skills are sharper at this age, rather than at a later stage. Another factor is that at elementary schools, usually children are not over-burdened with assignments and projects related to specific subjects like Zoology and Chemistry.

On the other hand, when a school teaches foreign language at a secondary school level, it ensures that the student’s emotional and intellectual maturity to absorb the language more clearly. For example, a child at this age has more experience and knowledge, so that he can think more rationally than a child at a younger age. Another merit is that he can better choose among the options and select the best language which suits him.

In my opinion, language acquisition can be done at any time, and not necessarily during the schooling. This is because the reasons why a person learns a language are diverse in nature. When some learn because of personal interest, others learn it because of various requirements. Except when foreign language lessons are taught for career perspectives, linguistic training at schools is not so essential.

To conclude, schools can teach children foreign languages either at elementary or secondary level, but I do not feel that foreign language training is mandatory at schools.

Word count: 291