

Aug 01, 2019 / General / 3:01 am

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task.
You are out of money due to an emergency financial crisis. You are unable to pay the house rent due to the same reason. Write a letter to your friend requesting him to help in this issue.
In your letter you should say
– what happened?
– how much is the due?
– what do you expect from him?
You do NOT need to write any addresses.
Begin your letter as follows:
Write at least 150 words.

Dear April,

Hope you are doing well.

Do you remember that I moved here in Perth from Darwin last year? Here I opted for a larger accommodation, hoping to make my family. Unfortunately, last month I met with an accident, which turned my fate black. I suffered multiple fractures on my right leg and as a result I had to undergo two major surgeries.

As you know I am an immigrant and know only a few friends here, when I faced a financial crisis I remembered you. The issue right now is that I have my rent due of $ 1000 and I am in a difficult situation to pay it. I need to have another two weeks bed rest and so I could rejoin my job only after that. I am sure that within a month I can come out of this crisis. Please help me by lending $ 1000, so that I can pay the house rent before the deadline. If yes, it is a real help from a true friend. I assure you to repay the amount in a month’s time.

Yours lovingly,