
It seems clear that obesity in today’s society is to some extent due to the availability of fast food. Should governments place a tax on fast food to reduce the amount of fast food consumed?

May 11, 2020 / Academic / 6:39 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
It seems clear that obesity in today’s society is to some extent due to the availability of fast food.
Should governments place a tax on fast food to reduce the amount of fast food consumed?
Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Write at least 250 words.


A considerable proportion of people relates obesity to the climbing popularity of fast foods in the modern society. I feel imposing an additional charge tax on these type of food would hardly reduce its consumption and would solve the problem of obesity.

The primary reason why I disagree to the proposal of extra tax levy on fast foods in order to reduce its consumption is because it is fundamentally an unwise movement from the side of any government. It is the responsibility of every government to make popular decisions, especially when it concerns food, and I think a newer tax on fast food is like questioning the citizens’ right to choose their favorite food.

Another concern here is addiction. To be precise, many people have fast food at regular intervals due to many factors (convenience inexpensiveness and easy availability), and I think it cannot be checked effectively by imposing a surcharge on it. This is because of the fact that the desire for these products stands dominant over any other monetary factors like tax or inflation.

I need to admit that an extra tax imposed on fast food would bring down the rate of consumption to an extent. Yet, I believe this would be a temporary phenomenon because the fast food companies are most likely to come up with an effective solution to solve this crisis.

Owing to the aforementioned factors, it is clear that a tax on fast food is an inappropriate governmental move. Instead the authority should explore better alternatives to bring down fast food consumption, which can mitigate the problem of obesity.

Word count: 265