
Many major cities today are becoming bigger and more crowded. Why is this happening? What measures can be taken to solve this problem?

May 19, 2022 / Expected task 2: 2022 / 7:01 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Many major cities today are becoming bigger and more crowded. Why is this happening? What measures can be taken to solve this problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

It is a fact that cities of today are growing bigger and are becoming crowded than ever before. The reason for this is the changing attitude towards people towards earning money: both for survival and for savings. However, solution for this issue is not so practical, but it is not impossible.

When analysing the underlying causes of this phenomenon, the most tangible is the financial factor. To be precise, cities are generally considered as the centres of commercial activities. Whether it is education, health, transport, communication, catering or any other trade, people are attracted by cities with a wide open door of opportunities. People from poor socio-economic backgrounds, who need money for their survival, see this opportunity as a boon, and a sizeable proportion of such people are migrated to each city every day. Similarly, those who need to increase their savings too cling to the city life, even the city life suffocates them badly. The bigger the city is, the intensity of the issue is higher.

The reason why solutions for this issue are not easily practical is because of the fact that the only alternative to a city is another city. To be precise, even when the rural infrastructure is developed, and opportunities are created there, many hesitate to adjust with the life there. This is a major hurdle for many governments to relocate the urban population to ease the pressure there.  However, the recent success of constructing satellite towns around major cities proves that the goal of easing the pressure on cities is possible to a certain extent.

To conclude, it is clear that the wide range of opportunities a city offer is the main cause of its growth and overcrowding. Even though solving this crisis appears to be really tough, it is possible through systematic planning and execution.