
Many people believe that individuals are responsible for their own happiness, while others think happiness is dependent on other external factors. Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and examples from your experience.

Feb 16, 2022 / Academic / 5:45 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Many people believe that individuals are responsible for their own happiness, while others think happiness is dependent on other external factors. Discuss both views and include your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

People are seen divided regarding the core factors which make a person happy. While some believe individual decisions are crucial, others believe external factors decide one’s happiness. As it is hard to define this feeling, it is difficult to reach a logical conclusion.

The reason why the first group of people believes so is because of the general concept that happiness can be created with a positive attitude towards life and hard-work. They believe only such a person can be happy even if he has some sorts of personal or financial difficulties. In order to embrace the feeling of contentment, such people strive hard in their life, and at the end, they would prove themselves in a safe position. On the other hand, an irresponsible person in life would end up in despair. For example, a person who does not care about his health would face difficulties, both in the personal and financial aspects.

However, others believe that happiness is a subjective feeling which can be evoked by both tangible and intangible factors, which surrounds a person. While some become happy with more money and wealth, others get themselves contented with material things like gold and other fashionable gadgets. Very often one can see that drugs and other substances like alcohol make people happy. Intangible factors like the companionship of an individual or a group of individuals such as a bunch of friends also make some happy. Some other external factors which can trigger happiness are power and celebrity status.

After analysing both views in detail, it is difficult to derive at a rational conclusion whether happiness is the creation of an individual or it is the ‘end product’ of some tangible and intangible external factors.

Word count: 286