
More and more media attention is paid to famous people who are successful in sports and movies. Why do you think that this happens? Do you think this is a positive or negative thing? Why?

Apr 29, 2020 / Academic / 8:12 pm

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
More and more media attention is paid to famous people who are successful in sports and movies. Why do you think that this happens? Do you think this is a positive or negative thing? Why?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Celebrity life is becoming an ever-growing interest of the media as evidenced by the media hype on film actors and sportsmen. There exist a number of reasons behind this, and I think it is not always a positive trend.

The fundamental reason why the media is very keen in these people is that they need to hike their rating. They know these celebrities are popular figures and people are mostly curious about their lifestyle. This weakness is very often exploited by the media by projecting the images and stories of actors and sportsmen on newspapers and magazines. The second reason is the profit, which they gain when they accomplish the aforementioned goal. They understand the fact that a huge sum of money rolls around these celebrities and are in constant run to absorb it as much as they can.

Turning to the impact of this media attention, very few criticize this because there is no visible harm in doing this. Instead, it gives a type of satisfaction among the readers and viewers of the media. However, if we analyze the situation more critically, it can be found that much important news are neglected because of the excess focus of celebrities. For example, owing to less profit, media many often do not go behind informative articles. In case if it is found anywhere in the media, it is not seen well-presented. So, in one way, media deviates the attention of the public from articles or programmes which enrich knowledge and creates a society which lives in a virtual world.

To conclude, it is clear that money and publicity are the underlying factors behind the ever-increasing media focus on celebrities from movies and sports and I think it cannot be seen as a positive trend, though it appears so.

Word count: 297