
More and more parents are allowing their children to play on computers and tablets as they think that children should learn technology skills. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Mar 15, 2022 / Expected task 2: 2022 / 1:45 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

More and more parents are allowing their children to play on computers and tablets as they think that children should learn technology skills. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words. 

It is very common to see that many children are free to use computers and tablets. This is mainly because of their parent’s assumption that these children would advance in technology skills. Although the intension is good, this appears to be more counter-productive.

The worst problem I would perceive when children are given the freedom to use these gadgets for recreational purposes is that it would alter their normal developmental process. In the past, children used to play outdoors and they understood the value of human relationships. However, the situation has tremendously changed these days with children secluded at their own private spaces with their tablets and computers, and started to see others as ‘aliens’. The end result would be an intellectually dumb and emotionally numb citizens. 

The second issue that this can cause is the emotional disturbances among children. To be precise, the advanced features programmed in popular games make children get obsessed to these, and eventually they become addicts to it. The real problem starts to appear when they find it difficult to live without it. Aggression, violence and self-harm are some of the consequences even when a minor restriction is made to reduce its use. This would have long-lasting impacts on their behaviour too as most of them shows hostility towards others, and develop a sense of over-selfishness.

I admit that the main reasons why parents permit their children to play with these gadgets are to see their children happy and to create a situation when their children learn technology faster. However, in most cases children are seen passively manipulating this offer.

To conclude, despite the intention of giving freedom for children to play on devices like tablets is good, the end results are worse than what one can ever imagine.

Word count: 294