
Most schools offer some type of physical education program to their students. Why is it important? Should physical education classes be required or optional?

May 06, 2021 / Academic / 8:33 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Most schools offer some type of physical education program to their students. Why is it important? Should physical education classes be required or optional?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Almost every school today has included physical education in their curriculum. This might be because of its positive impacts on the school children. Even though it can be seen as vital in the growth and development of a child at school, I think it should be optional in certain circumstances.

The cardinal reason why I feel that physical education is pivotal in the school curriculum is because of the fact that a sound mind exists only in a sound body. To be precise, students at schools spend extended hours listening to lectures and doing practical works, and this naturally exhausts both their mind and body. At this stage, it is quintessential to rejuvenate them, and physical exertion is seen as the best option available at school. However, this has to be done in a time-based and organised framework, under the supervision of experts. Here arises the need of physical education at school. When this is given in a professional way, it not only evaporates the boredom among students, but also builds a platform to identify talented sportspersons.

Addressing the question whether it is a requirement or not at school is really difficult, as situations are there in which it cannot be made mandatory. The first consideration should be given to the interests of the student. For example, many students have other alternatives to physical education, through which they can reduce the stress level at study. Playing chess, bridge or bingo are some among these. Moreover, it is unwise to force students to engage in activities they do not really like as this may have detrimental consequences. Instead, they should be made aware of the importance of physical exercise and should be encouraged to do the same.

To conclude, albeit physical education has  visible positive impacts on school students, I think it cannot be made compulsory.