
Machine- made products have now replaced many hand- made products. Do you think the merits of this development outweigh its demerits? Why?

Apr 22, 2019 / General / 12:26 am

You should spend around 40 minutes on this task.
Machine- made products have now replaced many hand- made products. Do you think the merits of this development outweigh its demerits? Why?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

The technology-assisted production has boosted the manufacturing processes, pushing the traditional hand- made products aside in the modern market. Despite some passive drawbacks, I tend to believe this has changed the human life positively.

One of the prominent benefits of machine- made products is that their easy customer accessibility. In the past, there was less demand for products as the population was thin. As the population swelled, manufacturers depended on machines greatly, which made the supply smoother to meet the increased demand. A variety of products are now available in the market, manufactured by different companies, which serve either the same or similar purposes, and this makes the purchasing experience interesting.

Another reason why these products are popular is that they are more customer-friendly. To be precise, the traditional methods of production were not so flexible in nature as per the changing demands in the market. Even if there were product modifications, those were too slow, which did not necessarily satisfy the customers. Modern machine- manufactured products can easily meet the customer- satisfaction, which is very crucial in the marketing field. The frequent alterations made by the smart phone manufacturers can be seen as a perfect example for this.

Finally, these products are mostly free from malfunctions, as these usually undergo the process of thorough quality check, which can give their customers an assurance, which is very often called as ‘warrantee’ in the field of commerce. Conversely, hand-made products reflect the culture and heritage of a particular society, and many small-scale businesses survive today just because these products are solved. Hence, I think, it is a sort of cultural identity.

To conclude, it seems to me that the substitution of hand- made products with technologically- assisted products is the need of the hour, though the existence of the manual production can hardly be questioned.