
Some think that experiments done on animals are cruel, and so it should be prohibited. To what extent do you agree? Why?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nov 11, 2019 / General / 6:23 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Some think that experiments done on animals are cruel, and so it should be prohibited. To what extent do you agree? Why?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Experiments conducted on animals are being questioned by many, as they think this is inhumane. The matter, however, remains as a controversy and in my opinion, for genuine reasons, this can be practised, and I do not feel it as a cruel activity.

To begin, humans and animals co-exist and from the time immemorial, man started taming animals to satisfy his innumerable needs such as for milk, meat, and leather. For this, animals are kept under captivity, often given hectic works and culled as per his demands. If these activities are not cruel, then I think experimenting on animals is a normal activity. Animals selected for these experiments are genetically programmed for such purposes and they are not from the group of any endangered species. On top of it, these experiments are for the betterment of human civilization and well-being.For example, most of such experiments done are related to medical research. Therefore, I think it is quite normal and an inevitable part of the research process.

There are people who think using animals as subjects for experiments is brutal because they feel animals have the same emotions humans have. I have to admit there is some truth in this, but the fact is animals subjected for the experiment are programmed in such a way that they suit the environment of experiments, and most of these experiments have not at all violent in nature and are done by experts under specific and technical supervision.

To conclude, though there are questions regarding the integrity of animal experiments, I tend to say they are not cruel and there is nothing wrong with it.

Word count:270