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VOCABULARY (writing task 2)

Nov 09, 2018 / Vocabulary / 5:38 am

MALICIOUS Adjective. characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm. “he was found guilty of malicious damage” synonyms: spiteful, malevolent, hostile, bitter, venomous, poisonous, evil-intentioned, ill-natured, evil, baleful, vindictive, vengeful, vitriolic, rancorous, malign, malignant, pernicious, mean, nasty, harmful, hurtful, mischievous, destructive, wounding, cruel, unkind, defamatory.


Nov 09, 2018 / General / 5:31 am

Your neighbor has recently written to you to complain about the noise from your apartment. Write a letter to him. In your letter, Explain the reasons for the noise. Apologize. Describe what action you would take. Answer. Dear Mr.Thomas, I am writing this letter to apologize for the excessive noise which you noticed and intimated … Continue reading “SEMI-FORMAL LETTER Q1”

Many countries today are experiencing high levels of migration from rural areas to cities.What are the causes of this trend and what effects do it have on the existing city dwellers?

Nov 09, 2018 / Academic / 5:18 am

Many countries today are experiencing high levels of migration from rural areas to cities.What are the causes of this trend and what effects do it have on the existing city dwellers? Many nations experience increasing levels of migration from the countryside to cities and this has become a major issue for many governments. In this … Continue reading “Many countries today are experiencing high levels of migration from rural areas to cities.What are the causes of this trend and what effects do it have on the existing city dwellers?”