
People are becoming too dependent on the internet and phone. Is it a positive or negative development?

Oct 10, 2022 / General / 6:46 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

People are becoming too dependent on the internet and phone. Is it a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Write at least 250 words.

It is a known fact that internet and smartphones are playing more crucial roles in human life when compared to the past, making those inevitable in human life. Although this is a part of development, I believe it should be seen with utmost vigilance.

The primary reason why I feel that over-dependence on internet and phones is alarming is because of the negative effects it has on the cognitive abilities of an individual. To be precise, such services are seen used even from a very young age, when crucial abilities such as intelligence, thoughts and memory are developed in a person. When internet substitutes these potentials, the individual is least likely to use these, and the ultimate result is retardation of such skills.

The second factor which persuades me to think it has to be looked upon with suspicion is because of its effects in the interpersonal and emotional relationships. To be clearer, internet and phone addicts are seen socially detached and have not enough emotional maturity as intended. This is because they are living in a virtual world, and are less interested in a strong in-person relationship. Last but not least, the more a person spends time with these gadgets, the less he spends for productive purposes.

I admit that internet and smartphones are now a part of each individual’s life and nothing revert the situation. However, when these gadgets are overused, the results will be worse than expected.

To conclude, though internet and smartphones are inseparable from human life today, excessive usage of those have serious issues which affect skills such as cognitive, emotional and interpersonal relationships.

Word count: 269