

Mar 25, 2021 / Full Script / 5:29 pm

Part 1 (Interview)

What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– What may I call you?
– Where are you from?
– Let’s talk about trees.
– Do you like trees?
– Have you planted trees before?
– What types of trees are growing in your area?
– Are trees important in your country?
Now, let us talk about sleep
– How many hours at night you sleep?
-What time do you think is ideal to go to bed?
-In your opinion, is it good to stay awake late night?
-Why do you think people wake up late during holidays?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a time when you got bored. Please say

When you got bored,
– What you were doing at the time
– Why you got bored
– And explain what you did to overcome the boredom.

Part 3 (Discussion)

Some people say that doing nothing is a waste of time, what is your opinion about this?
– Some people think that having a routine leads to boredom. Do you agree? Why?
-Do you think people are bored of the life-style they follow, and this is the reason they are longing for a change?
-How well do you think that the entertainment facilities are to solve the problem of boredom?
-Do you think in future, man will get more bored?