
Some children spend hours every day on smartphones. Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Jun 28, 2022 / General / 1:33 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some children spend hours every day on smartphones. Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and provide relevant examples if any,  from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.


It is often seen that the time today’s children spend with their smartphones every day is seen exceeding the limit. There are two major reasons behind this, and this tends to have more negative effects on them.

The primary reason behind the overuse of smartphones among children is because of lack of parental supervision. To be clearer, in many modern families children are left alone, as their parents are engaged at work either at their home or at their office. This gives ample opportunity for children to manipulate their time which has to be allotted to their studies.

The next major reason behind this trend is because of lack alternate forms of entertainment. To be precise, today’s parents insist children to be inside the house most of the time. This makes smartphones the only available gadget of entertainment or recreation, and naturally children would spend more with this. Finally, the advanced features which a smartphone has like virtual reality games make it more popular among the children.

When analysing whether this is a positive or a negative trend, not many would say it is beneficial for children. This is because they believe it causes developmental problems, both emotionally and intellectually. To explain it further, such children would lack socializing skills and may exhibit behavioural problems as they grow up. It can be also seen such children lack Intellectual productivity as their cognitive skills are mostly arrested. I admit that a small proportion of children use this time wisely and perform better under parental or elderly supervision.

To conclude, modern lifestyle is the major cause for children spending hours and hours with their smartphones. Despite a negligible proportion of children who use their smartphone wisely, excess smartphone usage causes ill-effects among children.

Word count: 291