
Some people believe that companies should manufacture products that last for a long time. Others feel that the emphasis should be placed on producing goods that are cheap. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

May 02, 2021 / General / 4:47 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that companies should manufacture products that last for a long time. Others feel that the emphasis should be placed on producing goods that are cheap. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


There exist diverse views regarding the manufacturing of a product. When some focus on durability, others highlight the provision of selling it at a cheap rate. Both views are significant in nature, and hence a thorough discussion is needed before framing a logical conclusion.

On the one hand, the former group believes that a manufacturer should best satisfy his customer by assuring a longer life for his product. To be precise, in general, customers want the products they buy of superior quality and they want to use it to the maximum. If it happens the other way round, the customer satisfaction would be marked minimum, and the manufacturer would have to find more challenging ways to market his product. Therefore, to ensure a progressive sale and to make a product popular among customers, the fundamental factor in front of a manufacturer is ensuring the product’s durability.

Nevertheless, the second group feels that a product should be sold at a reasonable rate to make it more customer-friendly. To be clearer, it should be understood that the prime factor behind the sale of a product is the purchasing power of the customer. For example if a product is sold at a higher price, generally there would be a declining demand, and if it is in the opposite way, the demand rises. Customers can also be attracted by means of promotional offers such as discount sales and rebates, and this is practical only when the manufacturer is ready to sell his product at a reasonable cost.

After analyzing both views in detail, I feel that a manufacturer cannot be successful in the market only with superior and durable products. He should understand that it should be combined with a reasonable cost, and this plays a pivotal role in improving his business.

Word count: 298