
Some people feel that courses can make anyone a teacher, while others feel an excellent teacher cannot be made only by pursuing a course. Discuss both views and give your opinion?

Dec 22, 2022 / Academic / 3:54 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Some people feel that courses can make anyone a teacher, while others feel an excellent teacher cannot be made only by pursuing a course. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Write at least 250 words.

A platform for  debate arises when some think training can make anyone a teacher, while others believe a successful course completion in teaching cannot make an excellent teacher. Although courses can make teachers, I believe these cannot always assure quality and efficiency of teaching.

The supporters of former view state that the qualifying courses designed for teachers involve both theoretical and practical approach of both teaching and learning processes. To be clearer, the pedagogical studies involving in such courses allow those involved in this to learn how to simplify the concept and explain it to students. In addition, the components of these courses are usually compiled by experts, after innumerable researches on diverse topics. Therefore, it can be assumed that anyone who completes such courses can become a teacher.

However, the second group considers some qualities such as patience, understanding and emotional attachment more important than these courses. For example, when a teacher listens and observes her students patiently simultaneously when she teaches, it allows her to modify her pattern of teaching if needed as the teaching progresses. Some teachers can perceive their student’s potentials very effectively, and motivate them to achieve better or to compensate their weaknesses. These skills are usually innate or acquired through experience, and cannot always coincide with anyone who just compleates a teacher-training course.

After analyzing both these views, albeit a teaching certificate equips almost anyone to teach, I believe, in most cases, this alone can create an excellent teacher.