
Some people like to travel outside of their countries. Others would rather travel to the tourist spots in their own country first before travelling abroad. Which do you prefer to do and why?

Feb 17, 2021 / General / 4:10 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Some people like to travel outside of their countries. Others would rather travel to the tourist spots in their own country first before travelling abroad.
Which do you prefer to do and why?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Travelling is for diverse purposes and most people like to travel to tourist spots either in their own country or to a foreign country. I think it is better to visit the tourist destinations of the native country before travelling abroad for the same purpose.

The first reason why I prefer commencing with domestic travel is because it provides a person a better understanding of his own country’s geographical features, culture, tradition, food and fashion. This type of understanding gives him a good insight about his own people’s identity, without which he would not be able to understand others’. In other words, when domestic travel is initially preferred, a person can easily learn about the features of his own country, which would enable him to perceive the life-style and culture of a foreign country.

The second reason for my preference is that it gives a sense of confidence while travelling. To be precise, in general, when a person travels within his country, he acquires skills which are most necessary to travel, and this would support him if he wishes to travel abroad later in his life. For instance, a person might experience various challenges while he travels inside his own country. Since he is a native, he could tackle these issues more confidently. Contrarily, without this experience, if he initiates travelling abroad, he may face more serious crises.

There are a considerable number of people who travel abroad without travelling enough in their own country, and at many instances, they go through tougher travel experiences. This situation could have made better if they had a prior domestic travel experience.

To conclude, I prefer travelling to my own native tourist spots to a virgin international travel as it helps me to explore the international tourist destinations better, and to face the anticipated challenges while travelling abroad.