
Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money are the most successful. Others think that those who contribute to society (e.g. scientists and teachers) are the most successful. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Mar 03, 2022 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 5:57 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money are the most successful. Others think that those who contribute to society (e.g. scientists and teachers) are the most successful.  Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words. 



There exist contradictory views whether successful money-makers or social contributors such as scientists and teachers are the most successful in the modern society. Although both groups enjoy dignity and social status, I think, in the present scenario, the former group can overshadow any prominent group.

The reason why some think that social contributors such as teachers and scientists are most successful is because of their exclusive and exceptional services to the society. For example, teachers show the light of knowledge and create the base of the success of any person in the society. Similarly, scientists benefit the society by innovations which are either critical like the vaccines or progressive like 5G technology. Therefore, the level of success they enjoy should be also unique in nature.

By contrast, the opposite group claims that the wealthy enjoy the power of money to a greater extent, and this is very much tangible. For example, only an extremely wealthy can think of space tourism today, while for others, it remains a dream of their lifetime. In addition, the society’s attitude towards money has changed, as they now realize that with sufficient money, a person can buy the service of eminent scientists, teachers and can even topple a government. On a whole, people started considering money directly proportional to the level of contentment and satisfaction.

In my opinion, over the years, the lifestyle and attitudes of the people have changed, and as a result, they started perceiving money as the core attributing factor which decides success. Hence, it is rational to think those who have more money are more successful.

To conclude, even though people recognize the efforts of social contributors like scientists and teachers, modern man’s way of measuring success has changed, and it is now based on the amount of money a person has.



The most successful money makers are thought to be the most successful people in the modern world, some say. However, others feel that social contributors such as scientists and teachers enjoy the maximum success. A critical assessment is needed to decide on the two views as both are prominent sectors of the current society.

The key reason behind the former group’s argument is because the wealthy enjoy the power of money to a greater extent. To be precise, most material things and the best available services can be bought when a person has a lot of money to roll in. For example, only an extremely wealthy can think of space tourism today, while for others, it remains a dream of their lifetime. Unlike the past, the society’s attitude towards money has changed, as they now realize that insufficient money would cause crises of different types. In fact they started considering money directly proportional to the level of contentment and satisfaction a person enjoys.

However, others feel that the social value which people such as scientists and teachers enjoy can be hardly bought with money. To be clearer, the services and contributions of these people are considered invaluable in the society and can be hardly measured in terms of money. For example, teachers show the light of knowledge and create the base of the success of any person in the society. Similarly, scientists benefit the society by innovations which are either critical like the vaccine inventions or progressive like 5G technology. Therefore, the level of success they enjoy should be placed above the rich or the affluent.

After analyzing both these views in detail, it is clear that one should recognize the efforts of people who can roll in exorbitant amount of money. However, I think those who directly contribute to the society should be seen as more successful.