
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier stage. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?

Apr 28, 2021 / Academic / 5:08 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless of occupation, is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a pension at an earlier stage. Do you agree or disagree? Which type of workers do you think should benefit from early retirement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Some often argue that it is not fair to set the retirement age of an employee, for example to 65 years. They also opine certain employees should get retired and be availed pension at an earlier age. I think the option of retirement should be preferably made based on individual himself. It seems to me that those who had overstressed during their service need to retire early.

The major reason why I support voluntary retirement is because of the fact that only an employee knows his potential to its best. For example, some prefer to retire early and seek pension because they feel either incapable of pursuing their career or the external circumstances would not allow them to do so. On the other hand, there are certain employees who are young at their minds and this reflects in their attitude towards work. I feel such people should be given ample opportunities and time so that the organization can make use of their service to the maximum.

I definitely feel that employees working in certain sectors benefit from an early retirement and pension. Those who had strained their brains and muscles to the extreme, and those who had met tough emotional challenges during work fall in this category. Defense personnel and laborers of mine are pertinent examples of this type of employees.

To conclude, I feel retirement should be made voluntary except in exceptional cases. I also think there would be fewer disputes when an overstressed employee is extended an early retirement and pension.

Word count: 253