
Some people think that only staff who worked in a company for a long time should be promoted to a higher position. What is your opinion?

Jun 14, 2022 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 1:32 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that only staff who worked in a company for a long time should be promoted to a higher position. What is your opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and provide relevant examples if any,  from your own knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.



It is argued that the only factor which has to be considered for promotion is a long span of work. Although this can be considered as one of the factors, I do not feel that it should be the only one when considering an employee’s promotion.

To begin, the only reason why I cannot agree to the notion is because of the existence of more relevant factors which the employers consider for promoting their employees. One such factor is the productivity of the employee. To be precise, unlike the past, the work efficiency of the staff is evaluated on a regular basis and is rewarded accordingly. For instance, it is often seen that employees who have swift problem-solving and communicative skills, and those who have innovative ideas are promoted faster than a staff, who has a decade’s experience.

Another factor which is generally considered for the promotion today is the acquisition of professional skills: both theoretical and practical. To be clearer, an employee who has an advanced degree in a specialised field is usually considered above an experienced staff, who just has a university degree. Periodical upgradation of professional skills by means of constant training is also seen rewarded by promotions.

I have to admit that the experience of an employee can be hardly neglected, as this can affect the goodwill of the firm adversely. It is the responsibility of the company to recognise the service and efforts which an employee has been delivering for a longer span of time, which he must have otherwise delivered to another company for better incentives.

To conclude, it is clear that a person’s long span of service has to be considered as a factor for promotion. However, the modern employment sector is more competitive and this has made other factors more important than this factor.