
The chart below gives information about species used for animal testing in the U.S.

Mar 13, 2024 / Academic / 8:50 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.    

The chart below gives information about species used for animal testing in the U.S. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


The given pie chart  represents the proportion of animals used for experimentation in the US.

Overall, it is clear that the labs in the US prefer rabbits and hamsters more than the other categories of animals.

As per the chart, almost three-fourth of animal testing in America is conducted on rabbits and hamsters. Of this, the share of rabbits is exactly 38.7%. Experimentation on hamsters accounts for 27.7%, which is almost 10% fewer than that on rabbits. However, it is much higher than the rate of testing on other mammals in the list.

Approximately over one-third of the experimentation on animals is done on bigger mammals namely dogs, pigs, primates and sheep. When just above a tenth of the total experiments from these four are done on dogs (10.2%), which is exactly the double of the rate of experiments on sheep. An average of 9% experiments are done on pigs and primates.